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This was my 'front-loading' breakfast this morning. While I mostly like plant sources of protein, I do love my egg with peppers and spinach and salsa.

This was my ‘front-loading’ breakfast this morning. While I mostly like plant sources of protein, I do love my cage-free egg with peppers and spinach and salsa. (Daiya cheese shreds too!)

AUSTIN, TEXAS — Day One of ‘doing the right thing food-wise’ has come and gone.

I woke up feeling ‘clear’ and ready to take on DAY TWO.

I’ve been asked, ‘What I’m doing with this food-thing?’

Hopefully, sharing this adds some value.

So, I thought I’d review yesterday…

Loaded in as many green vegetables as I possibly could.

(More good stuff means less room for bad stuff.) 

For breakfast, this included spinach with my eggs and salsa.

For lunch I made a huge salad for me and George with shredded broccoli and steamed kale and spinach.

For dinner steamed kale with black beans and salsa. (I guess you can tell I love the kick of salsa.)

Stayed away from packaged Lara Bars — and the like — including those lovely little individually-packaged fig bars in the bulk aisle at HEB.

Take sprouted bread and toast and use 1 TB almond butter and four thin banana slices. Voila! (George loves this treat any time of the day.)

Take sprouted bread and toast and use 1 TB almond butter and four thin banana slices. Voila! (George loves this treat any time of the day.)

(Ate an apple for 2p snack with a piece of pumpernickel and almond butter — only a tablespoon of almond butter.)

My mid-morning snack had been the piece of health bread with 1 tablespoon of almond butter

(yes…almond butter has lots of fat calories, but right now I’m all about moderation and I think a total of 2 tablespoons almond butter per day is fine.)

I attended yoga class and worked through half the postures in the Ashtanga primary series.

After heading home I had for an evening snack a bowl of plain popcorn — and drizzled over it about a tablespoon of Daiya cheddar cheese.

Yes. This YEAR I want to eat RIGHT and FEEL GREAT and USE food as fuel.

But of course making sure the experience is pleasurable.

Do you have a new eating plan for the new year? If so, I’d like to know about it.

Leave a post or shoot me an e-mail. Thanks! And Happy New Year!!